Sunday, March 1, 2009

Telescopes and Dishalous

Things have been going well for Camille and me. We have been keeping busy with so much and I am trying to get the house in order (and the guest room/junk room into baby's room). I am really excited about some cleaning supplies that I have coming too - from Shaklee. I decided to become a Shaklee Independent Distributor ( This is the link to my page if you would like to take a look at all the products they have (vitamins, cleaning supplies, personal care, etc.).

Matt is going to Ft Irwin soon - if you would like to send him a birthday card (March 29th) you will need to send them probably around the 24th. As of right now he is suppose to be in NC in April until they leave - continue to pray that he will be able to meet this little boy!

Two Camille stories...

The other night at dinner Camille looks at me and says "Mommy that was so dishalous!" It took me a few minutes but she was telling me that what she was eating was delicious. Now normally I tell her how to say the work correctly but I think I will leave this one a lone... I like the word dishalous.

On the way to church this morning Camille was playing with a wand that she has and was holding it up to her eye saying "Mommy, I am looking at daddy with my telescope". It made me nervous that she was holding this stick up to her eye - I kept thinking if I have to hit my brakes that is going right in her eye.

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