Monday, January 19, 2009

Latest family photo

Matt is currently in Mississippi and training hard - if you are interested in his address for now shoot me an email ( He didn't quite make top gunner but his best friend did so he was still excited! They were out in the field but are finally coming back to the baracks so hopefully I will be able to talk (or communicate) with him more.

I want to share that we were in our church magazine... if you would like to read our story together and what is to come this next year for us.

Camille is doing well but you can tell she really misses daddy and does not understand that we can't call him but we have to wait for him to call us. She has told me a couple times that she wants to go get him and bring him home. She will also say "I love my daddy" out of the blue... the way she says it is in a tone that sometimes makes me think she thinks if she tells me maybe he will come home.

Baby is doing well and moving lots... I am still testing my blood sugar on a daily basis and it is looking good. I am at the point where I have more energy and and don't feel too big (except for the comments like "are you having twins" and "wow, you have 3 more months are you going to make it". Oh well - just have to blow those comments off... turn the other cheek - even if it is bigger right now...

I also want to share that I have signed up to be a Shaklee Distributor and am working on getting my website set up so if you are interested please feel free to email me and in my next update I hope to have the web address if you are interested in purchasing.

Hope all are doing well!


Anonymous said...

Did Brian get top gunner?!?!? I haven't talked to him in like 3 or 4 days :(

Anonymous said...

I was hoping that this update thing would happen more regularly. Seriously, I need some distraction!