Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A Story from Camille

Camille loves for you to make up stories and tell them to her. When my friend Cheryl was here she would tell make stories up and Camille thought that was the best thing and since she hasn't wanted to read books but stories to be told to her. I have a hard time making up stories. Any way as you will read Camille has a fun time with it...

"One day, there was a great big tiger named Jack. And he would crawl and crawl and crawl. Then he found another tiger and that was Camille tiger... and they found another big big big tiger that was Poppie tiger."

So this was the story she told my dad last night - she told him some other ones but I couldn't remember those.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Two Month Doc Appt.

Well Micah had his 2 month doc. appt. today - 11lbs 11ozs and 23 3/4 inches. He is a a growing boy! He had some shots today too - my sweet boy was so sad afterward.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

The other day my friend April called to see if they could come over for lunch after church on Sunday and bring lunch! I was so excited because I thought I was going to be a little sad, even though I had my little ones with me. So April, her husband Jon and their two children Ruby and Alex came over for Mother's Day! We had so much fun - Here is Camille shortly after they left.

Oh and yesterday I got flowers from Camille and Micah - so I think Camille is smarter than I thought and has some money stashed away somewhere.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Cute little Camille Story

We were in the car coming home and Camille exclaims, "That boy has girl lips Mommy!" I said, "What boy has girl lips?" Camille replies, "My baby brother Micah does!"
So my son has girl lips... what ever that means.

Monday, April 27, 2009


I want to say "Thank You!" to all that set up and helped out with our 24 hour care last week! It was so wonderful for me to have friends and family to take care of me and the kids after Matt left. My first person was here about 45 min before Matt left. It was also helpful for me to have so many people in and out so I didn't sit and be sad that Matt wasn't here - I did have some moments but it made it soo much better. Thank you all for the wonderful fellowship!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Going Home

Well the nurse came in tonight and asked what we thought about going home tomorrow! I think this is a grand idea! So we are working on tying up the last of the details and hopefully we can go home about an hour or so after the little guy is circumcised in the morning.

Let those that were thinking about coming to visit us today that know
we may not be here! Yeah!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Micah's Second Day of Life

Well yesterday Micah did not cry much at all but today has been a different story but those that came to visit will wonder what I am talking about since he didn't cry when we had company.
Camille got to come back by for a visit again today. She has some adjusting to do - she was a little full of herself but she was also here during her nap time. She did sing "Jesus Loves Me" to baby Micah - once I can figure out how to digitize our video I will upload it for all to see.

Thank you all for your prayers - Matt gets to stay until the 20thish.

Friday, April 17, 2009

He is HERE!!!!

Kenneth Micah Lesher has officially joined our family!!
7lbs 6oz 18.5inches long at 10:13am

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Setting the Table

Camille wanted to help make dinner the other night and it was a lot of chopping and cooking meat.... Taco Salads. So I asked her to set the table all by herself and this is how it turned out. I was so proud!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Yeah Daddy... park and Easter

Playing at the park with Daddy!

Easter Egg Hunt at Ma and Poppy's house.
Easter Sunday!
Painting Easter Eggs - Saturday night

Friday, April 3, 2009

Matt will be home soon!

As in minutes... since I can't sleep I thought I would update the blog. We are not sure how long he will be able to be with us since with the military things are changing all the time. Please still pray that Matt will be able to be here for the birth of Micah - I would love for him to be able to hold him before he leaves. I know that he will be in NC at least through the 14th since there is a deployment ceremony in Fayetteville on April 14 at 2pm. (My c-section is scheduled for April 17th at 9:30am.)

I apologize if you have asked me a question and I have just sent you to the blog but I have been feeling like I am typing the same thing over and over again so thought it would be easier to put it here. Thanks!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Pretend Play

Camille has started to do more pretend play lately... so today she was pretending to sell me some book. She said "You can buy this book mam." And yesterday she was saying "Hey Lady" and then she would tell me something but thought it was funny that she would say hey lady.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Micah's Room - painted

This is a picture with the bedding...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Micah's Room

Today Tonja came over while Camille and I were at a FRG meeting (Family Readiness Group) and painted Micah's room. It looks so adorable - we have some touch up work to do but it looks great! If Tonja is able to swing by to look at it tomorrow she will bring her camera and I will post some pictures.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Training and Pyrotechnics

I talked to Matt today - probably the last time for the next two weeks. They are headed out to the field for training. He was telling me that the place that they are training looks so much like where they will be - there are about 250 actor type people playing the town's people and then they have some Hollywood pyrotechnicians. (I know Chris you want to pack up your things and go join him.) As you can imagine Matt is ready to get home but I think he is looking forward to these next two weeks too.

Pancake Dinner

Well last night I was craving pancakes - even though a very sweet friend gave me stuffed peppers and a pot roast. We will eat on that this weekend!
Anyway - I have only ever made pancakes with Bisquick and we didn't have any in the house. So I thought 'I can make them from scratch'. Well they turned out pretty good. I replaced the sugar with Splenda Brown Sugar too.
The best thing about dinner though was what Camille said out of the blue - "That was a yummy supper Mommy, Thank You!"

This made my week!

Sunday, March 8, 2009


I just wanted everyone to know that Matt has touched down in Cali. This means only 3 weeks until Matt is back in NC! Hopefully!

Camille knew that my mom was going out there and we talked to Daddy last night and he told her that he was going out there so she wanted to go on the airplane to see them (she thinks they are together). I am trying to convince her that they aren't.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Headed to Cali

Matt will be heading to Cali tomorrow... funny thing is my mom is too. She is going to San Diego. I will let you know when he gets in and is settled. He has been through this training before so it isn't going to be anything too new for him.
I think the prayers are working for him to be home for the birth (as long as this little boy doesn't come too early). As of now the C-section is scheduled for April 17th at 9:30 am... I am already having bad dreams about that... like them having to use a drill for the spinal and forgetting to numb me before doing that or cutting me... silly dreams!
As you see at the top I thought it better to change the name of the blog but the link will stay the same.

I also want to say 'Thank you!' to all that are praying and helping us at this time! We love you all!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

One more cute thing Camille said...

So we are sitting at the kitchen table making crafts with cotton balls and the glue stick... Camille was putting the back side of the glue stick in her mouth. I thought she was putting the side with the glue in her mouth and said, "Oh, don't put that in your mouth" then my mom says "Your tongue will stick to your teeth". Camille's reply "then I not talk ever again".

Telescopes and Dishalous

Things have been going well for Camille and me. We have been keeping busy with so much and I am trying to get the house in order (and the guest room/junk room into baby's room). I am really excited about some cleaning supplies that I have coming too - from Shaklee. I decided to become a Shaklee Independent Distributor ( This is the link to my page if you would like to take a look at all the products they have (vitamins, cleaning supplies, personal care, etc.).

Matt is going to Ft Irwin soon - if you would like to send him a birthday card (March 29th) you will need to send them probably around the 24th. As of right now he is suppose to be in NC in April until they leave - continue to pray that he will be able to meet this little boy!

Two Camille stories...

The other night at dinner Camille looks at me and says "Mommy that was so dishalous!" It took me a few minutes but she was telling me that what she was eating was delicious. Now normally I tell her how to say the work correctly but I think I will leave this one a lone... I like the word dishalous.

On the way to church this morning Camille was playing with a wand that she has and was holding it up to her eye saying "Mommy, I am looking at daddy with my telescope". It made me nervous that she was holding this stick up to her eye - I kept thinking if I have to hit my brakes that is going right in her eye.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Update on Life...

Right now Matt is still in Mississippi. Or as Camille says it "Daddy is at Mississippi". She always has to say 'AT'. It is too cute! If you were thinking of sending something don't send it to Camp Shelby. Also if you were thinking of sending a card for his birthday email me and I can get you the address for Cali - where they will be for March. Then about April they will be back to NC... but at Bragg probably. Tentatively the Deployment Ceremony is going to be April 14th but we aren't sure what the leave date is so please pray he will be here for the birth of our little boy.
As for Camille and me we are staying pretty busy with visiting with friends and family, ballet and
church. She still wants to go pick daddy up when we are out and about in the truck.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Latest family photo

Matt is currently in Mississippi and training hard - if you are interested in his address for now shoot me an email ( He didn't quite make top gunner but his best friend did so he was still excited! They were out in the field but are finally coming back to the baracks so hopefully I will be able to talk (or communicate) with him more.

I want to share that we were in our church magazine... if you would like to read our story together and what is to come this next year for us.

Camille is doing well but you can tell she really misses daddy and does not understand that we can't call him but we have to wait for him to call us. She has told me a couple times that she wants to go get him and bring him home. She will also say "I love my daddy" out of the blue... the way she says it is in a tone that sometimes makes me think she thinks if she tells me maybe he will come home.

Baby is doing well and moving lots... I am still testing my blood sugar on a daily basis and it is looking good. I am at the point where I have more energy and and don't feel too big (except for the comments like "are you having twins" and "wow, you have 3 more months are you going to make it". Oh well - just have to blow those comments off... turn the other cheek - even if it is bigger right now...

I also want to share that I have signed up to be a Shaklee Distributor and am working on getting my website set up so if you are interested please feel free to email me and in my next update I hope to have the web address if you are interested in purchasing.

Hope all are doing well!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Lots going on...

Daddy and Camille with Santa (after an 1h 45min in line)

Since the last update a lot has happened - I am hoping this next year I will be better about updating. This year is going to be very busy for us and I know we will have lots to share so I will do my best - I am also on facebook for those that can keep up that way too.

Well Matt is at Camp Shelby MS and will the there until our little boy arrives. We are praying that Matt will be at the birth but if not hopefully he will be there shortly after. We are planning a C-section so I am hoping this will help with his scheduling.

Camille is getting bigger all the time and can have real conversations with me. It is nice but sometimes I miss her being a little more dependent... I can't believe how independent she is... "I do it all myself" is her favorite thing to say.

The baby is progressing well - he is growing normally and I feel like this pregnancy is going a lot faster... ask me again in about a month though. I am having to check my blood sugar 4 times a day but they have been reading under the level they want me so that has been a blessing.

We had a wonderful Christmas and New Years and we wish all are family and friends a blessed New Year!