Monday, April 27, 2009


I want to say "Thank You!" to all that set up and helped out with our 24 hour care last week! It was so wonderful for me to have friends and family to take care of me and the kids after Matt left. My first person was here about 45 min before Matt left. It was also helpful for me to have so many people in and out so I didn't sit and be sad that Matt wasn't here - I did have some moments but it made it soo much better. Thank you all for the wonderful fellowship!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Going Home

Well the nurse came in tonight and asked what we thought about going home tomorrow! I think this is a grand idea! So we are working on tying up the last of the details and hopefully we can go home about an hour or so after the little guy is circumcised in the morning.

Let those that were thinking about coming to visit us today that know
we may not be here! Yeah!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Micah's Second Day of Life

Well yesterday Micah did not cry much at all but today has been a different story but those that came to visit will wonder what I am talking about since he didn't cry when we had company.
Camille got to come back by for a visit again today. She has some adjusting to do - she was a little full of herself but she was also here during her nap time. She did sing "Jesus Loves Me" to baby Micah - once I can figure out how to digitize our video I will upload it for all to see.

Thank you all for your prayers - Matt gets to stay until the 20thish.

Friday, April 17, 2009

He is HERE!!!!

Kenneth Micah Lesher has officially joined our family!!
7lbs 6oz 18.5inches long at 10:13am

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Setting the Table

Camille wanted to help make dinner the other night and it was a lot of chopping and cooking meat.... Taco Salads. So I asked her to set the table all by herself and this is how it turned out. I was so proud!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Yeah Daddy... park and Easter

Playing at the park with Daddy!

Easter Egg Hunt at Ma and Poppy's house.
Easter Sunday!
Painting Easter Eggs - Saturday night

Friday, April 3, 2009

Matt will be home soon!

As in minutes... since I can't sleep I thought I would update the blog. We are not sure how long he will be able to be with us since with the military things are changing all the time. Please still pray that Matt will be able to be here for the birth of Micah - I would love for him to be able to hold him before he leaves. I know that he will be in NC at least through the 14th since there is a deployment ceremony in Fayetteville on April 14 at 2pm. (My c-section is scheduled for April 17th at 9:30am.)

I apologize if you have asked me a question and I have just sent you to the blog but I have been feeling like I am typing the same thing over and over again so thought it would be easier to put it here. Thanks!